Covid Quotes 27/8 to 3/9/2021

If you have a notable quote, please share it via our contact form or email directly

We need to get used to being vaccinated with Covid vaccines for the future. I can’t see that Covid is not going to be with us forever….this will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination as we learn more about when immunity wanes”.

Kerry Chant chief health officer NSW
28th August 2021

“If paramedics vote for action, ADHSU members working in defined local government area of concern [COVID hot spots] will not respond to any patient until they have been rapid antigen or PCR tested. The bans will begin at the first shift on August 30. “ 27 August 2021

“I wouldn’t let the Pfizer go to waste, it’s gold liquid. They were very lucky, they went out for breakfast and ended up with golden liquid in their arms.”

Dr Ziad Basyouny in Wingham
Describing 4 cafe staff and 6 customers he vaccinated when residents missed appointments at his practice next store

“An even more dangerous situation is posed in the weeks and months ahead, with research published Wednesday finding that protection against Covid infection after two vaccine doses falls within six months, with protection levels even projected to reduce to as low as 50 percent by winter”. 25 August 2021

“There’s got to be a reason to get vaccinated. If the reason you’re vaccinated is that you can do things people who aren’t vaccinated can’t do, then that’s a great argument”.

Billionaire Kerry Stokes AFR 28 August 2021

“You’ve got to be sensible, of course, but I vaccines passports are the answer. I think”.

Billionaire Kerry Stokes AFR 28 August 2021

“Playgrounds will reopen this week. There will be QR check-in codes and limits on eating and drinking, and one parent or carer per child”.

Aaron Patrick AFR 1/9/2021

“I’ve got certain people in the media that keep attacking me all the time.”

Gerry Harvey in interview with Melbourne ABC’s Rafael Epstein.

“We struggle to empathise with Harvey or his harrowing persecution. This time four years ago, on national television, he was appealing for this columnist to be summarily executed“.

Joe Aston AFR 1/9/2021

“For the Ivermectin enthusiasts, here’s what the Merck Company that made this drug and gave it free for the treatment of river blindness in Africa say about its use for therapy in COVID-19″.

Professor Peter Doherty Twitter 27/08/2021

Editor’s Note: I am sure this was an oversight but what Professor Doherty failed to mention in his zeal to destroy Ivermectin’s reputation is that Merck has a product that competes directly with Ivermectin called Molnupiravir (see article that discusses the two). We can also reveal Merck has just signed a contract for $1.2 billion to supply Ivermectin’s new competito r to the US Department of Defense. The Professor also gives Molnupiravir a leg up here. Whether it is as good is unclear. Lastly, who would want a reference from a company that killed 60,000 people in 2004.

“It will take a long time until enough people get a third dose and until then thousands more people will be getting seriously ill”.

Dvir Iron data scientist at Israel’s Institute of TechnologyReuters 26th August 2021

“The Zoom meeting boom and its unrelenting focus on faces is elevating earrings from a fashion accessory to a statement intended to reflect women executives’ mood, status, wealth and creativity”.

Duncan Hughes AFR 27th August 2021

Irene Deutsch, pictured with her dog Bronte: “There’s no point in wearing power suits or killer heels to a Zoom meeting,” she says. Why not buy some nice earrings?” Louie Douvis – photo courtesy of AFR

“China will restrict the time people under 18 can play video games to three hours a week in a shock societal crackdown designed to tackle what the government says is an addiction plaguing the country’s children.

Shares in gaming stocks fell on Tuesday following the release of new rules limiting gaming on computers, mobile phones and other devices to one hour between 8pm to 9pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights and public holidays. Gaming would be banned completely on school days”.

Michael Smith AFR 1/9/2021
Editor’s Note: Michael is one of the journalists thrown out of China last year. He also writes some very silly things about Xinjiang. What the Chinese are doing here is heavy handed but is it better but is doing nothing anything to celebrate. With Google and Apple offering online education, parents and teachers may not be needed in the future at all.

“There have been many scientific studies and they have found the illnesses in children are not as severe as in the older age cohorts, the transmissibility of the virus is not as severe, there’s a priority to get children aged 12 to 15 vaccinated and we’ve set out a timetable for that.”

Josh Frydenberg 2/9/2021

Editor’s Note: Hey, Josh, when did children between the ages of 12 and 15 stop being children? And on those many many scientific studies, how many of them said the illness is “severe” in 12 to 15 year olds. It really looks like media, politicians and celebrity medics are making this narrative as they go along.

So clearly the advice is within 6 weeks of an infection you’re unlikely to get reinfected with Delta but actually natural immunity to Delta or any of the viruses is less effective than actually the vaccine in terms of providing long term immunity”.

Kerry Chant chief health officer NSW
11am Press Conference ABC 2nd September 2021

Stenographer: “We had a person present to hospital for having what seemed to be an overdose of too much Ivermectin. “As a result, of a misunderstanding they think that they can take this drug to treat Covid. They were Covid positive. Can you just talk us through, talk to us about the risks of using unproven treatments in treating Covid and the message to people”.

Kerry Chant: “Um, my message would be simply for all things. Make sure you are getting your health care provided by a health care practitioner and that you seek advice before taking any medications. It is important to seek the best health advice. Our doctors in Australia are across the literature in terms of what drugs and therapies are useful in Covid. So please listen to them.

Stenographer to Kerry Chant chief health officer NSW
11am Press Conference 2nd September 2021

Editors Note: How did the stenographer know that the efficacy of Ivermectin was unproven. There is much expert opinion that would challenge that. What did the stenographer know of the risk. Why did ask the question if they knew the answer. In Kerry’s answer, we learned nothing of the risk. Simply that we should not use it.

Stenographer: “So, At what point does the pandemic end and Covid-19 become endemic”.

Kerry Chant: “I think that’s the reality that most of the world’s confronting. Um, what we’re really pleased to say is we’ve got great vaccines and I think I’ve indicated before that, you know, we will be getting vaccinated regularly. There’ll be new strains that emerge, potentially, and we’ll have boosters; a bit like seasonal flu. So every year in seasonal flu they try to predict which strains are predominating strains and we have a vaccine. What’s really useful is some of the technology. Um, we’ve made vaccines quicker than we’ve ever done them before. And so some of the mRNA technology gives us hope that we’ll be able to rapidly accommodate to any changes in the virus”.

Stenographer to Kerry Chant chief health officer NSW
11am Press Conference 2nd September 2021

“Whilst I am very pleased we are at 70% first dose, as you know I’ve previously said, I want to see the sky’s the limit. I think Australia can be the most vaccinated country in the world because we believe in science”.

Kerry Chant chief health officer NSW
11am Press Conference 2nd September 2021

Warren Ross
email: katwlr@pro