KFR 16th June 2019

Katoomba Financial Review

My grandmother died at 61 and my Dad at 67. Both were smokers.  They both had choice though my Dad, who lost his leg at 11, probably had less than most after he fell under a Paddington  tram.  His schooling ended the same day. Travers Beynon has choice and he has chosen not to smoke but he is doing his bit to make sure others do.  He owns 300 cigarette vending machines and over 300 franchised FreeChoice outlets. There is even one in my little town.  This champion of free choice draws the comparison of his own love of racing cars and explains, “No-one trie­­­d to stop me when I started motor racing. If someone says that’s too dangerous, don’t do it. I’d be like…go to hell”.  So he is a protector of free will.

He tells us in this Financial Review article, that he’s tried electronic cigarettes but they obviously conflict with the very tight dietary regime he follows. This is essential if he is to maintain his frenetic lifestyle.   To charges of misogyny, evident in his Instagram images of women on dog leashes, he tells us his mother was his idol.  His grandmother was known as “The General” and typical of the dominant women who shaped his life.  It is obvious he cares deeply about the people within his orbit. Almost as much as he does for himself.  It is equally obvious that he couldn’t give a damn about anyone else. That’s a free choice.

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