Let’s go for a little walk…don’t ask where. We’ll tell you later

Be careful of offering advice because someone might take it. This is something these 12 experts referred to below might have considered before they decided the Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna offerings were safe, effective and needed.

Australia’s very own misinformation 12 have now co-authored a paper that will provide:
Key lessons from the COVID-19 public health response in Australia – The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.

I will first introduce you to the authors through links to their articles and comments and then discuss each of their 10 key lessons. All contributors appear to be strongly behind the official Covid-19 response.

My comments are those of an ignorant observer. I can’t claim clinical qualifications or special insights but I have watched as only one side of a story has been told. I have also listened to some of the smartest people in the world who have made me suspect that something is wrong. That suspicion prompts me to write now.

I am not sure many in this group are the right people to be offering further advice. They live in a world where masks, lockdowns and distancing are effective, PCR tests are perfectly accurate, the injections work beautifully and adverse events are rare, if they happen at all.

The authors have been carny barkers for Big Pharma bioweapons? Shot one, failed then shot two but they continued to call: “Step right up”. Sadly, many people have.

Apologies to Tom Waits
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Who Are the Real Fascists?

The behavioural scientists have betrayed us


  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

I have been a close observer of politics for fifty years. In that time, nothing has impressed me more than the size of the propaganda campaign surrounding Covid-19.

We have had this ambitious project imposed on us worldwide with all the emphasis on injections. Deaths and injuries caused by them are generally ignored by all of our main institutions. When they do break through we’re told they are rare.

The Three Commandments

Media’s participation has been vital to the project. It reinforced three commandments.

  • Thou shalt be afraid. Covid-19 is dangerous beyond belief and you will be lucky to get out of this alive.

  • Thou shalt have one solution that must be repeated forever. Take the injection.

  • Thou shalt have no other options.
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How Can We Ever Trust Them Again?

Claire Hooker thinks natural immunity and vaccine produced immunity are equal.

[N]othing is more fatal to a people than great reforms, however excellent these reforms may appear theoretically.”

“The Crowd” Gustave Le Bon

Last week an erstwhile friend stopped me in the street long enough to call me selfish for not being vaccinated. He’d seen some of the pieces I had written recently and decided they were reason enough to reassess my character and put aside a friendship that extended over 30 years. It seems I had broken the trust that underpinned our relationship.

Who do you trust? Why do you trust them? These are important questions that major media organisations have been struggling to shape and control. The media battleground has been shaken up significantly in recent years. With the collapse of the traditional funding model, the fragile relationship between the mainstream media and the public has been shattered.

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Vaccines, Treatments and Media

These people know what's good for us but won't tell us

I am a threat to society. In short, I could kill you.
At any time, a lurking spike protein could find a distracted ACE-2 receptor too lazy to throw off its sheddase enzyme, take over a cell’s machinery, my cell’s machinery, repeat until my immune system says “what are you up to?”. Discovered, the spiky fugitive could then find a sleepier, less robust immune system nearby and soon we’re all done for.

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